Successful Website Optimization, Marketing, and Analytics

Today more than ever, successful companies understand that it’s not enough to simply have a website or app – they need to have an effective online presence. This is the driving force behind Bedinger Group’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services. We get you listed with the major search engines so your customers can find you online. Then we report on how your site is being used by visitors.

SEO Analysis and Implementation

Certified Google Analytics

Certified by Google Analytics Academy

For our Search Engine Optimization process, we work hard to make sure that your online presence is productive, and drives qualified business traffic your way. Using proven methods and strategies, BGI approaches SEO techniques through careful analysis of each client’s website to boost organic search engine rankings, ensuring high visibility with your chosen keywords and phrases. These words can focus on products, services or locations.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Additionally, our proprietary SEM custom site map technology, used with our secure hosting, is employed based on website and/or database content. Our proven techniques ensure that your content is always up to date with the various search engines. The bottom line: BGI will ensure that your customers will find you, and when they do, their online experience will keep them coming back.

Analytics: Reporting and Feedback

Analytic Report Sample

Sample Demographic Analytics

Bedinger Group, Inc., believes in working smarter. BGI offers Google Analytics services to monitor client website activity and SEM activity. Analysis reports offer insights into user demographics, activity, and numbers. Including how your website is being used, how visitors find your website, and what keeps them coming back. We provide in-depth keyword reports that show which keywords rank highest with top search engines. Also, if the search engine ranking is increasing or decreasing. This provides valuable information for further content development.

Monthly reports can be customized as needed, providing either a big-picture overview, specialized segmentation data, or combinations. Content Analysis sheds light on top page visits, how long visitors stay, and how frequently they convert. We can even track events, revealing customer behaviors, such as user registration, product purchases, email sign-ups, and user conversions.

Mobile Analytics show how mobile apps and devices impact a client’s website and how they drive business. Social reports measure the impact of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This provides a comprehensive view of content and community. Our reports give our clients a complete marketing picture, successes as well as areas that need attention. This helps future marketing investment decisions in both general and specific areas.

Get listed and have your customers find you online.

Contact us today!